OpenCart's default template has one feature that is advantageous at times and poses problems other times. This feature is that the address field names are always the same regardless of form:
If you are using Postcode Anywhere with OpenCart's default accordion checkout then you may run into problems on attempted installation for this reason.
First, go to the /catalog/view/theme/default/template/checkout/shipping_address.tpl.php file and find all instances of name=" for the address fields and replace with name="ship_
Then go the corresponding controller file here:
Replace all instances of those fields that are passed with their new names. So if you see $this->request->post['address_1']
Replace with $this->request->post['ship_address_1']
This will allow postcode anywhere to differentiate between the two addresses.
You will need to create two postcode anywhere profiles. One for standard named addresses and one for those prepended with ship_
So we took the code for ours named Profile 1 and pasted it into the file:
justed inside the payment-new id div
and the code for ours named Profile 1 Shipping and pasted it into file:
just inside the shipping-new id div.
Important: Prior to initiation Postcode Anywhere's on page setup you will need to comment out the echo'd display none functionality so PCA can see the fields on accordion transition. After setup you can uncomment that functionality as the fields will be locked in.
Do this for both payment-new and shipping new divs.
Next, go to the PostCode Anywhere profile and activate "On Page Setup" for the profile. If you have previously told PCA that the fields were correct then you will need to refresh the page and enable "On Page Setup".
Then refresh the checkout page. On accordion transition to Billing Address you will need to enter the code for your standard profile. On accordion transition to the shipping address enter the code for your shipping profile.
The system should recognize all fields except for the zone id which will have to be manually entered.
Now your Postcode Anywhere installation should work correctly.
Here are the other files for which you must only add the default profie PCA css and javascript in addition to replacement of the select menu with a text box:
Certain accomodations must be taken for appropriate shipping rate quoting in relationship to PCA. One of the major one's we found is that the UPS requires a State/Province designation of Greater London when shipping to London. There for anywhere where $this->request->post['city'] is handled we added this code:
//$zone_id = $this->model_localisation_zone->getZoneId($this->request->post['zone_id']); if (strtolower(trim($this->request->post['city']))=='london') $this->request->post['zone_id'] = 3553;