FedEx Complete for OpenCart provides the features you need to streamline your shipping process and allows you to focus more on your core business and less on logistics. Our most basic offering provides FedEx rates for display on the front end of your site. From there you can add the ability to print FedEx shipping labels, track FedEx packages and validate addresses.
FedEx Rates
Our FedEx rating system is a tested regularly to ensure that it provides the most accurate rates for your customers. If you put through a test order on your website and put the same shipment data through on then you will receive a match between the two. We test each installation to be sure of it.
You can show your customers list rates as they would appear to the average user or your account-specific negotatiated rates.
You will have the capability to markup or markdown a shipping level according based on the order total. This functionality can also be limited by state/province and customer group.1 This is particularly useful if you are looking to offer free or flat rate shipping as a promotion, and is very easy to configure.
Additional settings are available for overall control of rates including the ability to specify the signature required type, and whether a declared value is submitted to FedEx. You can set an overall handling fee for all service levels and also set the default address type for quoting.
You can also display estimated delivery dates and pad the delivery dates returned by FedEx according to the time it takes to expedite your orders.
Quotes can also be created for products shipped from different vendors. The quoted amounts for each shipment are combined and displayed to the customer.
For US customers this extension also supports FedEx Smartpost. With FedEx Smartpost your packages are picked up by FedEx and delivered to a USPS hub for final delivery. The service provides the opportunity to offer your customers lower rates for small, light-weight shipments.
FedEx Label Printing
Addition of FedEx label printing will allow you to easily create & print domestic and international FedEx labels from within the OpenCart order details screen. The system calculates the number of packages using the same technique used when quoting and automatically selects the shipping level chosen at checkout. The address type is determined based on your overall settings or a stored address type provided by our address validation functionality.
Print labels using a thermal printer or a laserjet printer. Our thermal printing functionality will send labels directly to your printer, and expedite a tracking e-mail to your customer. When printing to a laserjet labels are opened in a new window for printing. From there you can send a tracking e-mail and update the order status with just one click.
Our system will also automatically create PDF commercial invoices for international shipments.
Shipping addresses can also be validated and updated from within this interface.
Our label printing system can also create shipments for different vendor's products on the same order.
FedEx Address Validation
When you add FedEx address validation functionality your customers will have the opportunity to validate US and Canadian destination addresses on entry via your frontend interfaces whether in the OpenCart registration form, the account maintenance section or the shopping cart. Passing a validated address to FedEx results in a more accurate quote and helps to prevent costly address correction fees in the event of an undeliverable shipment.
Please note that addition of address validation to one page checkout systems requires custom coding and troubleshooting at a rate of USD $30/hr.
FedEx Package Tracking
Our FedEx package tracking functionality allows you to proactively monitor the status of your shipments from the OpenCart order details screen. You will see the event type, date/time and location for each event as recorded in the FedEx tracking system.
With FedEx Complete from there is no more need to go outside of your store for your shipping needs. No more comparison of data from one site to another. A significant reduction in errors will increase customer loyalty and save you money. Plus you'll never have to type up or write out a label again. You've gotten your business this far...let us help you take it to the next level.
Questions? Please contact us.